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What to Wear in London in July: Summer Style Guide

For July in London, it is best to wear light and breathable clothing. London in July offers a pleasant blend of warm temperatures and occasional rain showers, making it important to dress accordingly.

When considering what to wear in London during this time, it is best to opt for light and breathable clothing such as cotton shirts, dresses, and shorts. It is also advisable to carry an umbrella or a lightweight rain jacket to prepare for the sporadic rain showers.

Layering is key in the unpredictable London weather, so it is recommended to bring a light sweater or cardigan that can be easily removed if the temperature rises. Additionally, comfortable shoes are a must, as exploring the city often involves a lot of walking. Overall, by choosing light and versatile clothing options, visitors can ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience in London during the month of July.

1. Overview Of London In July

London is a vibrant and bustling city, filled with endless possibilities for exploration and discovery, and July is a particularly exciting time to visit. The city comes alive with a range of outdoor festivals, cultural events, and activities.

July is considered one of the warmest months in London, with an average temperature ranging from 18°C to 23°C (64°F to 73°F). However, it is always advisable to be prepared for unpredictable weather conditions by carrying an umbrella or a light jacket.

1st JulyWimbledon Tennis Championship begins
6th-7th JulyBritish Summertime Hyde Park music festival
13th-14th JulyLondon Pride parade
19th-21st JulyHampton Court Palace Flower Show
25th-29th JulyNotting Hill Carnival

These are just a few of the many events happening in London in July. So make sure to check the calendar and plan your visit accordingly to make the most of your time in this incredible city.

What to Wear in London in July: Summer Style Guide


2. Stylish Outfit Ideas For London In July

When planning what to wear in London in July, it’s important to keep in mind the unpredictable weather and varying temperatures. Opt for lightweight clothing and fabrics that allow you to stay cool during warm spells, such as cotton, linen, and breathable synthetics. Embrace layering and versatility to easily adjust to fluctuating temperatures throughout the day. Consider packing a light cardigan or jacket that you can easily take off or put on as needed. This allows you to adapt to the ever-changing London weather. As for footwear, opt for comfortable shoes suitable for walking long distances as you explore the city. Sneakers or flat sandals are great options, ensuring both comfort and style. Don’t forget to accessorize with a hat or sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun. Keep these tips in mind to ensure you are stylishly dressed while staying comfortable during your July visit to London.

3. Must-have Items For London In July

London in July can get quite sunny, so be sure to pack sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat to protect yourself from harmful UV rays. Lightweight and breathable clothing made of cotton or linen will keep you cool while exploring the city. Don’t forget to bring a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day.

While July in London is generally warm, rain showers are still common. Be prepared with a compact umbrella or a waterproof jacket that you can easily carry in your bag. Consider bringing waterproof shoes or sandals that can handle wet pavement.

For evening outings in London, bring along a few dressier outfits for dining out or attending shows. A lightweight blazer or cardigan is useful for cooler evenings. Comfortable walking shoes are a must, as you may find yourself exploring the city even after sunset.

What to Wear in London in July: Summer Style Guide


What to Wear in London in July: Summer Style Guide


Frequently Asked Questions On What To Wear In London In July

What Are The Best Clothes To Wear In London In July?

In July, the weather in London is typically mild and can vary. It’s best to pack light layers, including t-shirts, dresses, and lightweight trousers. Don’t forget a waterproof jacket and comfortable walking shoes for any unexpected showers or exploring the city.

Can I Wear Shorts In London During July?

Yes, wearing shorts in London during July is absolutely acceptable, especially when the weather is warmer. However, it’s always a good idea to carry a light sweater or a jacket to layer on when the temperature drops in the evenings.

What Type Of Footwear Should I Wear In London In July?

Comfortable shoes are essential when exploring London in July. Opt for comfortable walking shoes or sneakers to keep your feet happy while sightseeing. It’s also a good idea to bring a pair of waterproof shoes in case of rain.

Is It Necessary To Carry An Umbrella In London In July?

While it might not rain every day, it’s always wise to carry a small, compact umbrella when visiting London in July. The weather can be unpredictable, and you don’t want to get caught off guard by an unexpected rain shower.


London in July offers a perfect blend of warm weather and cultural experiences. With the right clothing choices, you can fully enjoy the city’s attractions. Opt for lightweight and breathable fabrics like cotton and linen, and don’t forget to pack a rain jacket.

Remember to check the weather forecast before your trip and dress accordingly. Embrace the opportunity to express your personal style while staying comfortable during your London adventures in July.

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